Aerospace Summer Camp Tour

The STS-Aerospace Titeflex team in Laconia NH hosted the ACE Academy for a tour of our facility.

ACE Academy is a local summer camp that runs out of the small Airport in our town.  This year they hosted a 3-day mini session for girls only, to encourage more females into the engineering/manufacturing fields!

“The purpose of the Academies is to make students aware of the variety of careers available in the aerospace industry”

#SmithsGroup #STSAerospace #CommunitySupport  #CommunityCare #ACEAcademy

After the tour the campers were asked what they liked about the tour of our facility:

  • “How many pipes there are and how they can be ordered”
  • “The tan pipe ends remind us of 3D printing”
  • “I liked it all, I found it all interesting!”
  • “The powder that was used with the black lights”
  • “All the machines!”